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Five weeks deep in the plant business!

My fifth Saturday in the Unique Plant Boutique business! and wow! I am happy to report that business is picking up and my little unique plant boutique is getting seen from the busy street of Lake Michigan Drive and on the world wide web.

I have experienced many ebbs and flows in five short weeks in business here in the city of Standale. (Stand still...I think not) I am meeting the most divine souls on this journey. That is what I would like to touch on most in this blog post. I hope I can keep it short as there is so much to report! First and foremost, business is picking up!

I will start with the negatives that ended up being big positive lessons for me. I had my first experiences with theft, which messes with my heart and head a bit. Both incidences they purchased something so there is that positive. I would like to stress there is no reason to steal from me. None! We share here! My second incident was a bit more hurtful. I started a Leave One-Take-One propagation station wall where we all can share our plant baby cuttings. I guess I cannot use the honor system here. Please don't take advantage of my kindness. Geez, it is hard enough being a small business. I highly doubt I will see these ladies in my boutique again, however if I do. I will keep you posted on how that goes.

Now the glorious positives the universe has sent me in the form of human beings. There are truly too many angels to mention by name, I hope y'all know how much I appreciate your presence on my path and how grateful I am for these divine experiences.

I have had the honor to watch my personal plant pretties go to new magnificent plant momma and poppa's homes. Seems silly, right? To be slightly attached to a plant. Why not be attached to our plant pretties? They do so much for us. Plants are a living extension of who we are. They purify the air in our spaces and protect us from harmful toxins. The least we can do is provide them a safe environment in return for them to thrive.

Last weekend I had the blissful opportunity to watch my youngest daughter (Dr. Izzy) Who came down from Ferris State to help her momma revamp and split a ginormous and healthy Monstera Deliciosa for thee most gifted plant momma client. (No pressure) What an honor to be trusted to care for another plant momma's baby. And she shared cuttings from her baby! This gifted plant woman and her mother's energy are divine markers that I am on the right path for sure. I want them on my plant dream team! I am grateful for my customers that are becoming fast friends. also thank you, Isabel. Mom is in awe of your knowledge and plant brilliance.

My top compliment thus far came from a darling GVSU couple from Chicago said my boutique reminds them of home. Top tier right there. And they came back and brought friends! I am so impressed by the support I am receiving by the students and staff of GVSU. Thank you! I look forward to being an interactive space for you all to visit.

I have been silently and loudly asking the universe to align me with the people, places and things that will enhance my growth on this venture and wow, I am being heard! I asked for authentic creative woman to collaborate with and I got sent a Kim, Diane, Kristi, Alison, Denise, Howard, Jessica, Kelly, Bob, Ann, Cole, Tyler, Scott, Nicole, Francessca, and a Randy. These genuine souls right here remind me of my "why" I started this business and to keep pushing forward in growth. And to think...nearly five weeks ago they all were complete strangers.

To the many others that have supported me with coming in, buying from my business (I wish I retained names better. I am working on it)) giving me feedback positive or otherwise, sharing your plant knowledge, sharing my small business on your socials, speaking kindly with high recommendations, the 5-star reviews on Google and for simply being a kind human being on my path. I am profoundly grateful to meet you all. Thank you for sharing your presence with me and my plant pretties.

Heading into week six my energy will be focused on planning my Grand Opening which will be November 24th, 2023, on Black Friday. Save the date! I am open to ideas of what you would like to see on that special day that I will be officially introducing my little boutique to the Standale/Walker community. Also, I will be working with a talented graphic artist, Alison to update my website and get it more cohesive with product services made clearer with socials and Doordash. Bear with me in these growth spurts.

Is there a strength you would like to share with me to enhance my growing? Do you have plant knowledge? Are you a handyman or woman? Let's share our strengths with one another.

I am profoundly grateful for this experience to share my passions while providing exceptional service in this community. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to share my myself and my space with you all. Come grow with me! Let's learn all we can about the live houseplant pretties that provide us with precious energy, purify our spaces, that give us happy vibes and big smiles. We owe it to our Plant pretties to learn their needs and wants.

Today I reflect on how far I have come in a short amount of time. I, like my plants have had astounding growth both personally and professionally. I am proud of myself. Do not ever let anyone talk fear into your dreams. Like ever!

I am living proof "it" can be done!

Stay tuned, Standale!

I hope this find y'all in growth mode.


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